
Black Belt Code of Conduct

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Black Belt Code of Conduct

  • All grades, especially Dan grades, are expected to arrive at least 15 minutes before the lesson start time.
  • Never come late to a class; punctuality is a sign of sincerity and sets an example to lower grades.
  • Always make sure that your gi is clean and in good order, also never wear jewellery of any kind.
  • The Senior Instructors should be addressed by their appropriate title i.e. Sensei and not by name as this sets a bad example to lower grades.
  • All Dan grades should train at least twice a week if they do not own a club; this should be considered a minimum requirement.
  • Club owners should train at least once a week at the Honbu – remember, to teach one must also train.
  • Dan grades should attend the lessons on grading days, although they will not be grading themselves; this sets an example to Kyu grades.
  • Dan grades should attend all Open Days and Black Belt Courses.
  • Dan grades should try to attend all social functions.
  • Always show seniors due respect e.g. by bowing first to seniors.
  • Black Belts should never talk down to junior grades; treat them as you would want to be treated.
  • Try not to stand around talking in the Dojo; this sets a bad example to lower grades.
  • When teaching be positive to students; do not make them feel inferior.
  • For further advice please consult the Club Secretary or the Dojo Captain.
  • All Dan grades as a matter of respect should have the courtesy to inform the Club Secretary or the Dojo Captain in advance if they cannot attend classes, grading days or open days.
  • Please remember that without your support/example the club(s) will find it very difficult to maintain the standards that most Black Belts would like to advocate.